Where else can you find
2,500,000+ consumers per month
for $30.00?
ShopInCities has been in business for 13 years and has developed a platform to drive quality-consumer traffic to
your business. We understand the need to have national exposure at a cost effective price for small to
medium sized businesses. The advantage of marketing/advertising with ShopInCities is that all of our
visitors are shoppers, having already gone through the process of researching the products they are interested in.
They have come across ShopInCities via our strategic placement on various search engine optimization platforms.
For as little as $360 a year, your company is literally one click away from the front page of the major search engines.
Finding a cost effective advertising tool, that provides national exposure, is a key component for any successful
marketing or advertising campaign and cannot be stressed enough.
ShopInCities has put together a special introductory
offer of $360 for a full year and is guaranteeing it. If you are not satisfied with your results in the first year of your
listing with us we will list you for free until you are satisfied!
Some facts that you might not be aware of:
- 70% of all searches on the web are for a local business.
- www.ShopInCities.com has between 2-2.5 million visitors per month.
- Despite a poor economy, forecasts indicate a 29% growth in search in 2011.
- Revenue from search has also increased - from 37% of total online sales in 2006 to 50% of total online sales in 2011.
Price Comparison (per year)
| Basic | Advanced |
SEO-search engine optimization | $4,200.00 | $20,000.00 |
PPC-pay per click | $6,000.00 | $40,000.00 |
Shop In CITIES | $360.00 |
$1,560.00 |
ROI: Guaranteed!!
Premium Listing $360.00/yr
- Logo and Link to your website in 3 categories and 3 sub-categories in
www.shopinusa.com or
- Logo and Link to your website in 3 categories and 3 sub-categories in shopincity that is geographically located closest to you
(for example www.shopindenver.com or
- Guaranteed top listing in each of these categories (six slot availability).
- Cost effective way for your company to be one click off of 1st page of major search .
- Develop a company profile and brand recognition for $360yr. Up to 2,000,000+visitors per month.
Banner Ads $20.00/city per month -- inquire about our 10 city package
Develop local brand recognition for your company/product.
- Over 90 URL's to choose from to list your banner in different cities
- Tap into 70% of the market that you are not penetrating currently on local searches.
Don't have a website? No problem, we accept listings from ALL Businesses. We provide high quality, cutting edge technology, and the most competitive prices in the industry for your on-line needs.
Email or call now to reserve your spot on the nation's best shopping portal!