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Houston, Texas,
Craytonians Craft Service
6500 Sands Point Dr Apt 210
Houston, Texas, 77074
(713) 988-3856
Best of Broadway
515 Post Oak Blvd
Houston, Texas, 77027
(713) 622-7469
Radio Music Theater
2623 Colquitt St
Houston, Texas, 77098
(713) 522-7722
Main Street Theater
2540 Times Blvd
Houston, Texas, 77005
(713) 524-6706
Houston Music Hall
800 Bagby St
Houston, Texas, 77002
(713) 315-2400
Interactive Theater
333 S Jensen Dr
Houston, Texas, 77003
(713) 862-7112
Music Hall
810 Bagby St
Houston, Texas, 77002
(713) 247-2592
Talento Bilingue De Houston
333 S Jensen Dr
Houston, Texas, 77003
(713) 222-1213
It's Murder, Mystery Parties by Design
Houston, Texas,
A "Mystery" to Me
154 South Friendswood Drive
Houston, Texas, 77546
(281) 992-1888
Texas Mime Theatre
2714 Florence St
Houston, Texas, 77009
(713) 880-9868
Country Playhouse
12802 Queensbury Ln
Houston, Texas, 77024
(713) 467-4497
Shalimar Entertainment
3231 Ashlock Dr
Houston, Texas, 77082
(281) 493-0390
Stages Repertory Theatre
3201 Allen Pkwy
Houston, Texas, 77019
(713) 527-0123
Ace Theater
17011 Bamwood Dr
Houston, Texas, 77090
(281) 587-1020
Theatre Southwest
8944 Clarkcrest St
Houston, Texas, 77063
(713) 781-8005
Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Houston
1177 West Loop S
Houston, Texas, 77027
(713) 627-3570
Theatre Southwest
Houston, Texas, 77063
(713) 661-9505
Texas Repertory Theatre
14243 Stuebner Airline Rd
Houston, Texas, 77069
(281) 583-7573
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